Norm of the North Keys to the Kingdom 2018 Subtitle Indonesia
Nonton Norm of the North Keys to the Kingdom 2018 Subtitle Indonesia
Plot / Synopsis – Nonton Norm of the North Keys to the Kingdom 2018
Norm of the North melakukan petualangan yang menyenangkan ke New York City dengan putra sulungnya, Quinn, untuk menerima kunci kota. Sayangnya, kuncinya dicuri dan Norm dijebak untuk perampokan bank sambil berusaha membuktikan kepada warga bahwa ia bisa dihargai.
Rating: NR
Genre: Animation, Comedy
Directed By: Tim Maltby
Written By: Daniel Altiere, Steven Altiere, Derek Chan
Stars: Andrew Toth, Maya Kay, Alan Marriott
In Theaters: Jan 11, 2019 Limited
On Disc/Streaming: Jan 11, 2019
Runtime: 90 minutes
Studio: Lionsgate
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Nonton Norm of the North Keys to the Kingdom 2018 Subtitle Indonesia Plot / Synopsis – Nonton Norm of the North Keys to the Kingdom 2018 GENRE : ANIMATION, COMEDY Norm of the North melakukan petualangan yang menyenangkan ke New York City dengan putra sulungnya, Quinn, untuk menerima kunci kota. Sayangnya, kuncinya dicuri dan Norm dijebak […]
Genre: 2019, animasi, comedy, movie
IMDB rating: 5,3/10
Director: Tim Maltby
Writers: Daniel Altiere, Steven Altiere, Derek Chan
Stars: Andrew Toth, Maya Kay, Alan Marriott
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